Company Description: |
New Cars, Used Cars, Salvage Cars, Damaged Cars, Parts, Front Cuts, Front Clips, Trucks, Forklifts, Excavators, Tractors, Buses, Motorhomes, Motorbikes, Atv'S, Boats, Jetskis... And More...... Direct From Japan.
Select from thousands of suppliers RIGHT NOW for More Choice and the Best Prices!
Company Established 1983
The TS Team
Key personnel are university graduates, bilingual and have years of exporting experience to give you the quality of service you deserve.
Operating from 6 Locations to provide you with the FULL RANGE of facilities and services that you need.
Japan Used Motor Vehicle Export Association - JUMVEA
Western Metal Association
Hanamaru Recycle Car Net Auction
USS Auto Auction
Yahoo! Japan Auction
GAO! Global Auction Online
Movi Used Salvage Auction
We are continually adding to our Memberships to provide you with even MORE choice... |