Regular Member 0 Current Trade Leads 1 Product on sale | Xiamen Mejee Outdoor Gear.Co., Ltd. | |
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Xiamen Mejee Outdoor Gear.Co., Ltd. |
Xiamen Mejee Outdoor Gear. Co.,Ltdis one of the market leader in design, manufacture and supply of camping furniture business. Our products have been exported throughout the world to over 70 countries. The factory is located in Tong’an district, Xiamen, Fujian, China. It covers 4,600 square meters. All of our products are designed, developed and manufactured at our ISO 9001:2008 certified production facility, camping furniture series tent series bags series and umbrella series are manufactured strictly based on the European safety standard. With 10 experienced R&D persons from, we can be continuing to offer our customers with marketable new styles and designs. Now our customers are from all of the world and we sincerely hope to set up mutual benefit and long term relationship with our current customers. And we also believe definitely that with our Quality First principia we can develop more and more customers and new friends. MEJEE is always your best and correct choice. Welcome on boar We are regularly Selling: outdoor furniture, folding chair, table, lounger, cot, tent, outdoor product, backpack, gift. |
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Contact Person: |
Lin Sina |
Job Title: |
Manager |
Location: |
China - Fujian Companies from China Trade Leads from China Products from China |
Classification(s): | Machinery & Electronics - Outdoor Lightings Wood - Furniture |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Manufacturer More Manufacturers... |
Contact Information |
Join Now or Login to contact Xiamen Mejee Outdoor Gear.Co., Ltd.! |
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