Tokopix. com adalah online store di Indonesia yang menyediakan Art Prints untuk kebutuhan dekorasi ruangan, rumah, kantor, hotel, restaurant, salon dll dengan ribuan koleksi gambar yang dapat dicetak di poster, canvas, kulit, dan kayu. Dengan harga yang kompetitif, anda juga dapat menggunakan jasa design service dari tim desain grafis kami.
Tokopix. com is an online store in Indonesia providing Art Prints for your room, house, office, hotel, restaurant, salon, etc. 1000s collections of images or custom images from your own which can be printed on various media such as Poster, Canvas, Leather, and Wood. You can also use our professional design service from our team with competitive price.
For further information, kindly contact: Afwi Fitria, Ms. Email: b2b@tokopix. com
Telp. : 6221-71377838 (Monday-Friday 10.00-17.00) Hp: 082112224777
Website: http://www. tokopix. com |