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Abba Pistachio |
Abba pistachio was established in 1993 by Mr. R. Sarlak, H. Pouzan and H Salehi in Golshan (Rafsanjan) and Sirjan, the most famous pistachio producing cities of Iran. We have our own family orchards of pistachio in Sirjan and Rafsanjan. Our vast providing network in most pistachio producing cities and villages of Iran enables us to cater the best quality pistachio directly from orchards to our foreign customers. We offer our pistachio both in small packing (25gr.50gr.100gr.200gr) and bulk 50 KGs. bags and also vacuumed packing. We roast and salt our pistachios in different tastes like salt, lemon juice and saffron. Our products have standard certificate from national standard organization of Iran. We handle very large quantities of pistachio yearly and numerous of reputable companies from all over the world cooperate with us based on long- term contracts because of our quality, reliability and our most competitive prices. We are regularly Selling: pistachio, pistachio kernel. |
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Contact Person: |
R. Sarlak |
Job Title: |
Owner |
Location: |
Iran - Tehran Companies from Iran Trade Leads from Iran Products from Iran |
Classification(s): | Food - Preparation Of Vegs, Fruits, Nuts |
Primary Business Type(s): |
Importer / Exporter More Importers / Exporters... |
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