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No Logo | Mailon Furs We are a fur manufacturing company from the city of Kastoria Greece. We produce our own fur garments for many years. Our main expertise is Mink but we also work with other fur pelts as well, such as Fox, Sable, Lynx, Chinchilla and others. Wholes... We are regularly Selling: fur, mink, fox, coats, jackets, sable, chinchilla, lynx, fur accessories. Member since 21 December, 2007, Greece - Kastoria | | | No Logo | Mars Importacao E Exportacao NOSSA EMPRESA DEDICA-SE Ã COMPRA E VENDA DE PELES FINAS CHINCHILLA REX CHINCHILLA REX CASTOR VISON NUTRIA RAPOSA COELHO AVESTRUZ CANELA DE AVESTRUZ KAIMAN PITON IGUANA RUMEN
AOS MELHORES PREÇOS DE MERCADO We are regularly Selling: chinchilla, rex castor, rex chinchilla, zorro, nutria, coelho, racoon, kaiman, avestruz. Member since 8 July, 2009, Brazil - Rio Grande do Sul | Primary Business Type(s): Importer / Exporter Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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