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Company - Description |
No Logo | Friendship Aquatics and Company We are based in Lagos Nigeria. We have over a decade's experience in the sourcing, acclimatising, handling, packaging and exporting of live, tropical, ornamental, aquarium fishes for the best arrival conditions. We have established a track record... We are regularly Selling: gnathonemus petersi calamichtys calabaricus, gymnarcus niloticus clarias lazera clarias heterobrachus, polypterus endlicheri palmas senegalus, landcrabs cardisoma armatum, fiddler crabs, atya species hermit crabs, xenomystus nigri pantodon bucholzi hydrocynus species, archachatina merginata yohimbe cashew nuts, mudskipper periwinkle. Member since 10 June, 2014, Nigeria - Lagos | | | No Logo | HealingAqua We are specialist for the ancient and rare fishes from all over the world. We are regularly Selling: live fish, garfish, polypterus, korean fish, turkana bichir, hoplias. Member since 4 October, 2020, Korea, South - Kyonggi-do | Primary Business Type(s): Importer / Exporter Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Classical Aquatic Fish Co., Ltd. We are regularly Selling: gnathnemus petersii, pantodon buchholzi, cardisoma armatum, erpetoichthys calabaricus, periophthalmus vulgaris, synodontis nigrita, polypterus delheze, polypterus palmas, etc. Member since 21 May, 2008, Nigeria - Lagos | Primary Business Type(s): Importer / Exporter Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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