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207 Trade Leads found that match your criteria.
Results for: "assembly" and "line"
Showing results from 181 to 200.
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Bid Type Language / Subject
0SellCheck valve, cast iron flange end, OEM, ChinaYantai Valve Factory
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2011-06-10 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellStrainer, casting, ductile iron, DG-Y-16,ChinaYantai Valve Factory
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2011-06-08 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellLift check valve, cast iron, flange end, ChinaYantai Valve Factory
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2011-06-07 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellTo sell hair dryer, straightener, curler, diffuser, comb etc.
We have whole sets of mold manufacture equipment, assembly line and computer-based quality measurement and monitoring equipmentᦁ... We have whole sets of mold manufacture equipment, assembly line and computer-based quality measurement and monitoring equipment,mea...

Posted on: 2011-06-30 from China - Zhejiang
  Home Supplies
0SellAluminium PCB
...K PCB, Ceramic PCB, Rogers PCB, Aluminum PCB. Meanwhile, we provide PCBA (Assembly) and ODM, OEM service. We are specializes in a full SMT and through hole ... ...ium Layer Coverage: 1Layer Thickness: 1.6mm Surface Technique: HAL Line Width/Space: Solder Mask Color: Black We are a Manufacturer & Supplier S...

Posted on: 2011-02-10 from China - Guangdong
  Consumer Electronics
0SellPp sheet extrusion line
...3. Sheet die. (T Die Fish tail type) 4. 3 roll calendar polishing stack assembly 5. Nip roller & side trimming unit. 6. 2 stage Torque Winder 7. Contro... Complete Sheet Line generally as described in the pages enclosed & consisting of the f...

Posted on: 2011-04-19 from India - Maharashtra
  Machinery & Electronics
0SellEnameled Copper Wir
...ion, Freon c) excellent heat shock D) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4.Application field: Suitable for oil-immersed transformers, dry ... ...n c) excellent heat shock D) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4.Application field: Suitable for oil-immersed transformers, dry type ...

Posted on: 2011-02-28 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellTransformer enameled wire
...esistance d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high temperature tra... ... d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high temperature transfor...

Posted on: 2011-02-28 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellMotor enameled wire
...esistance d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high temperature tra... ... d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high temperature transfor...

Posted on: 2011-02-28 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellTransformer magnet wire
... resistance d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Application: Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high te... ...ce d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Application: Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high tempera...

Posted on: 2011-02-28 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
0SellMotor magnet wire
... resistance d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high temperature trans... ...ce d) excellent heat shock e) Suitable for high-speed automatic assembly line 4. Used for electromagnetic winding, motor, high temperature transforme...

Posted on: 2011-02-28 from China - Henan
  Industrial Supplies
.... Rayson is also a producer of mattresses. Our company utilizes one-stop assembly production line and implements strict control in manufacturing mattresses ... ... producer of mattresses. Our company utilizes one-stop assembly production line and implements strict control in manufacturing mattresses from high-carbon...

Posted on: 2011-08-31 from China - Guangdong
  Home Supplies
0SellRed Sandstone and manufacturer. We have individual sandstone processing workshop and assembly line. Our advanced machineries can make very thick sandstone products. Str... ...nufacturer. We have individual sandstone processing workshop and assembly line. Our advanced machineries can make very thick sandstone products. Strict q...

Posted on: 2010-12-20 from China - Shandong
0SellCast iron, ductile iron valve PN10,PN16,DIN, BS, MSS-SP
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2010-08-27 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellCheck valve, cast iron, flange end valve, PN16,exporter, Chin
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2010-08-26 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellGate valve, check valve, globe valve, ball valve, strainer
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2010-08-26 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellValve, ductile iron, cast iron valve, exporter, yantai, China
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2010-08-26 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellGate valve of DIN3352 PN10,GG25,yantai valve, China
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2010-08-26 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellAir valve, cast iron, flange end, screw end valve, China
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2010-08-26 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
0SellValve, cast iron, ductile iron valve, BS, MISS, DIN, Yantai, China
...also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that this plant is fully equiped with technolo... ...ments in valve manufacturing, and also it has a complete set of production line including casting, machinery assembly and inspection, Which shows that thi...

Posted on: 2010-08-26 from China - Shandong
  Industrial Supplies
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