Specification: 1L,3L,10L,20L,35L,55L,75L,110L,150L,200L,300L
Purpose: Usable for rubber or plastic plasticzing and mixing or rubber and plastic blending. Features: 1. Rubber or plastic stock can be plasticized or mixed in a closed and pressurized space with the temperature controlled so that the productivity is high and the quality is good and stable. 2. Optimization of the parameters such as the helical angle of rotor wings and the wing overlap length brings about even distribution of the stock. 3. All the parts in contact with stock are ground, plated with hard chrome and polished. The rotor wings are built up by welding with the abrasion-proof sintered carbide to resist abrasion and corrosion. 4. All the parts in contact with stock are of the jacket design where water/steam/medium oil is lead through to provide cooling or heating and can meet different requirements for the rubber or plastic mixing process. 5. Stock is fed through the rear door of the framework
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